Holy Week and Easter
Lent Offerings
Palm Sunday
- Saturday 3-23 5:30pm,
- Sunday 3-24 8am and 10am
- 11:30am Palm Sunday Parish Lunch to Celebrate Don
- 2:00pm Don’s Ordination, reception following
- Clergy wear red stoles
- The nursery ages 0-3 will be open 1:15pm-3:45pm
- Childcare ages 3-9 in the meeting room 1:15pm-3:15pm
Stations of Holy Week
- Interactive prayer stations for Holy Week will be available for you during daylight hours in the Courtyard from Palm Sunday until Good Friday evening.
Holy Wednesday 3-27
- TaizƩ Service 6pm
Maundy Thursday 3-28
- 6pm Foot Washing, Eucharist, and the stripping of the Altar. (Rev. Don’s first Eucharist)
Good Friday 3-29
- Noon – Good Friday service, solemn prayers and hymns
- 6pm – Stations of the Cross, begins in the courtyard.
- Good Friday Offering – Will be given to the national church’s “Good Friday Offering” which supports the Diocese of Jerusalem. You can give in the offering plate, or give online, choosing the “Good Friday Offering” from the drop-down menu.
Holy Saturday Volunteer Opportunities 3-30
- 8:30am The Altar Guild gathers to prepare the church for Easter
- 9am-noon. Garden work day. Come help prepare the community garden for spring planting, and do some digging in preparation for the installation of a pollinator habitat garden! Meet at the Patchett Street side of the church.
Easter Vigil 3-30
- 7:30pm at Grace, 1314 Spring Street, St. Helena
- This is a bilingual service, and a shared service with Grace Church.
Easter Sunday 3-31
- 8am – Eucharist and Choir, plus baptism
- 10am – Eucharist and Choir
- Flowers on the Cross
- Bring flowers on Easter Sunday morning to add to the lattice cross outside the church, which was used in the courtyard stations of Holy Week to hold our prayer ribbons. See our prayers for the suffering of the world transformed by flowers representing the resurrection!
- Easter Offering
- The offering this Easter is designated again for our friends in the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, who continue to be a voice and presence for peace, healing, and hope in the midst of war. The hospitals, clinics, schools, and programs they run in Israel, Palestine, Jordan, and Lebanon are open to Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike.
- You can donate in person using the offering plate or write a check at any time with “Easter Offering” in the memo. Or give online, choosing the “Easter” from the drop-down menu.
** The Nursery will be open Easter Sunday as usual, 9:30 – 11:30**