Welcome to Lent at St. Mary’s! Lent is a season of spiritual preparation for Holy Week and Easter. It is a time for renewed commitment to our spiritual lives, and of looking into our hearts to see how God would have us amend our lives so that we may continue to follow on the Way of Love.
Ash Wednesday Feb 14
Ashes to Go – Pastor Marylee, from the Methodist Church, will be at the corner of Jefferson and Oak from 6am to 8am for ashes to go.
Noon – A service of Ashes and Eucharist at St. Mary’s
6pm – A service of Ashes and Eucharist and Taizé Music at St. Mary’s with our friends from the Methodist Church joining us.
Lenten Faith Formation
Wednesdays 6pm-8pm, Feb 14 to Mar 27
“Lent comes providentially to awaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.” — Pope Francis
Perhaps you feel called this Lent to try something new, to explore Scripture or deepen your spiritual habits. You are invited to participate in St Mary’s Lenten Program.
Beginning Ash Wednesday we will offer a two-hour program each Wednesday – combining services, contemplative practice and bible study; culminating with a Taize service on Holy Wednesday and a potluck dinner.
The program will run from 6 – 8 each Weds. Generally, the format will be a half-hour Quiet Service in the sanctuary, followed by an hour and a half Bible Study, covering St. Paul’s letter to the Romans, discussing two chapters each week. Those evenings with longer services, Feb 14th and March 27th will have a shorter bible study period.
Please come as often as you are able – no commitment is required. Please see Anne Saunders or Julie Parker with any questions.
Lenten Book Study
Thursdays 6pm-7pm, Feb 22 to Mar 21
Join us for a study of the book: Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman.
Please sign up to receive a copy of the book. Click here to sign up.
Our diocese and the Diocese of California voted last year to make Howard Thurman a saint in our church. This summer the General Convention of The Episcopal Church will vote on adding him to our calendar of saints. His book was first published in 1949, and has been formational to generations of Christians, as well as civil rights leaders.
“Jesus and the Disinherited is a brilliant and compassionate look at God’s work in our lives… [It] is an important and influential book whose message helped shape the civil rights movement and changed our nation’s history forever. Thurman’s work reaches past anger and distrust toward a vision of unity.” -from the book’s back cover
February 22 – Forward, Preface, Chapter 1
February 29 – Chapter 2
March 7 – Chapter 3
March 14 – Chapter 4
March 21 – Chapter 5, Epilogue
Lenten Daily Devotionals
from Episcopal Relief and Development
You’re invited to subscribe to Episcopal Relief & Development Lenten Meditations! Visit our website to sign up for daily meditation emails, written by Miguel Escobar, on living an authentic life as followers of Christ.
Additional devotional material will be available by the door of the church.