Other Life Events

We offer other prayers as requested.

  • Reaffirmation
    • Reaffirmation of baptismal vows is for people returning to the church after a long time away, or wanting to recommit themselves to faith.
  • Child bearing
    • Blessing of a pregnancy
    • Prayers for the loss of a pregnancy
    • Blessing of an infant, if the parents want to wait to baptize the child until later.
  • Name Change, embracing gender identity
    • We offer name change ceremonies for Transgender and Nonbinary changing their name and accepting a new gender identity.
  • Renewal of a marriage
    • We can do services for the renewal of marriage vows, or to bless a marriage that has already taken place.
  • First Communion
    • Though first communion is not a common part of our tradition anymore (all who have been baptized are welcome to receive communion, regardless of age), we do preparation and service of first communion for families who would like it.
  • Illness or surgery
    • Our clergy and pastoral care team meet privately with folks who would like prayers for healing. Our clergy and pastoral care team can make house calls or visit folks in the hospital as well.
  • Forgiveness
    • If you are in need of forgiveness, or have something weighing heavy on your heart, our clergy can meet with you privately and pray with you. We have a rite of reconciliation in our tradition, in which a person confesses their sin and absolution and forgiveness are offered by the clergy.
  • Students, Teachers, Graduates
    • We pray for students and teachers at the beginning of the school year and graduates at the end of the school year. We ask for names to be submitted and we ask people to stand during the service.
  • Essential Workers, First Responders, Military members, Veterans
    • We pray for those whose names have been submitted each Sunday, and we have times of special prayer at certain times like Veteran’s Day.
  • Birthdays, Anniversaries, Thanksgivings
    • We pray each week for Birthdays and Anniversaries, and welcome others to come forward who may have other occasions for prayer, such as thanksgiving for healing or for an award or a new job.