
Clergy & Staff

The Rev. Robin Denney


The Rev. Don Callison


Sharon Arnold

Parish Administrator

Ann Gibson

Director of Children’s Ministries

Travis Rogers

Music Director


The Vestry is like a non-profit board of directors that oversees the affairs of the church, yet it conducts itself in a spiritual way. They share leadership responsibilities with the Rector for both the operations and mission of the church. Vestry members are charged with specific responsibilities by the canons of The Episcopal Church and chair various committees and ministries. A Vestry member is elected by the Parish and serves 3 years. Each year one-third of the Vestry members complete their term allowing rotation and continuity of leadership. Meetings are held once a month (currently the third Wednesday at 7pm) and open for any member of the parish to observe.

Wendy Armstrong-Callison

Liz Bull

Katie Carpenter

Jill Durfee

Mandy Heldt

Marie Maurer

Denny Olmsted

Julie Parker

Liz Rogers

Don Turner

Russ Weiss