
St. Mary’s has been part of the Napa community for 164 years despite war, the Great Depression, earthquakes, and fire. We are a vibrant and active parish – a warm and welcoming community of committed Christians who like each other and enjoy worshiping and working together to fulfill Jesus Christ’s Great Commandment to love God and to love and serve our neighbors as ourselves.

Our parish was established in 1858, under the name “Christ Church”. It was among the first 20 Episcopal churches established in the state of California. In the 1890s the church’s name was changed to “St. Mary’s” as part of a fundraising effort.

In March of 2020 like so many other churches, we transitioned to online-only worship for just over a year during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have discerned a call to deeper connection with the community, and embracing all people, and our parish members, vestry, and rector have been working together, through the pandemic and online ministry, to follow this call.

Supporting Civil Rights

Selma, AL 1965 The Rev. Tom Turnbull, rector of St. Mary’s 1957-1981, went to Selma Alabama in March of 1965 in response to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s …

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Architecture & Windows

Our first church was designed by a female British artist and completed in August of 1861. With strong parish growth, the need for a new church became clear in the …

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Thirty-two rectors have served St. Mary’s during our long history. The Rev. Tom Turnbull served our parish for 27 years, oversaw the construction of our parish hall and classrooms in …

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