Thirty-two rectors have served St. Mary’s during our long history. The Rev. Tom Turnbull served our parish for 27 years, oversaw the construction of our parish hall and classrooms in the 50s, was on the founding board of Aldea (a local non- profit supporting vulnerable and foster youth and providing mental health services for children and families) in the 70s, and marched in Selma with Martin Luther King in 1964. The Rev. Stephen Carpenter retired as rector in November of 2017 after 34 years with us, he oversaw the major retrofit of the building for earthquake safety, the rebuild after the earthquake, and a spiritual deepening of the congregation through participation in Cursillo retreats. Our thirty second Rector, the Rev. Robin Denney, began her ministry with us on September 19, 2019.
List of Rectors 1858-Present
Christ Church Parish (organized August 29, 1858)
Elijah W Hager 1858-1859
Hannibal Goodwin 1859-1860
Ivan Mehr (Supply) 1862
G. Berryman (Supply) 1864
A.S. Nicholson (Supply) 1867
Supply Priests from St Augustine’s College, Benicia 1868-1871
William Leacock 1871-1874
George D. Silliman 1874-1876
Walter H. Moore 1877-1878
Robert H. Kline 1879-1880
William Leacock 1881-1886
John Portmess 1886-1888
S. Fackenthall 1888-1892
St. Mary’s Parish (renamed April 4, 1893)
John T. Shurtleff 1892-1893
Caleb Benham 1893-1899
William B. Thorn 1899-1901
Brevard D. Sinclair 1901-1902
William H. Hawken 1902-1908
Benjamin J. Darneille 1908-1910
Irving Baxter 1910-1918
William A. Rimer 1918-1920
Byron Holly 1921-1924
Arthur J. Child 1924-1930
William C. Pearson 1930-1941
Herbert T. Pateman 1941-1944
Aaron King 1944-1949
Luther O. Ison 1949-1957
Thomas B. Turnbull 1957-1981
Barry Turner (Interim) 1981-1982
Stephen M. Carpenter 1983-2017
Vanessa Stickler-Glass (Interim) 2017-2019
Robin E. Denney 2019-