Women in the Word
Meets every Tuesday at 2:00 pm. Contact Jeann Anderson for more information.
Quiet Service
A service of contemplative music, centering prayer, and reflection on scripture. Acoustic music includes flutes, guitar, singing bowls, or piano.
Quiet Service
A service of contemplative music, centering prayer, and reflection on scripture. Acoustic music includes flutes, guitar, singing bowls, or piano.
Sunday Service 8am
Eucharist service, no music. The liturgy rotates between the Book of Common Prayer Rite 1 (Elizabethan language), and Rite 2 (modern language). The service lasts less than an hour. This …
Sunday Service 10am
Sunday Eucharist service, with hymns. Choir is active September through May. Nursery is open year-round for ages 0-2. Godly Play (Sunday School program) is available for 3-12 year olds in …
Women in the Word
Women in the Word meets Tuesday’s at 2:00 p.m. Please contact Jeann Anderson for more information on meeting locations.
Christmas Day Service 9am
Join us for Christmas carols by guitar and Christmas morning Eucharist at 9am. All are welcome, the nursery will not be open on Christmas Day.
Christmas Eve 4:30pm Service
Join us for this family-friendly Christmas Eve service with pageant, christmas carols, and child-friendly eucharist. The whole family is welcome. Our nursery will not be open on Christmas eve. Baby …
Saturday Night Service
Eucharist, instrumental music Online or in person, no call-in option